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The edict of Worms.

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Q: What edict declared Martin Luther a heretic?
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In 1521 he is declared an outlaw and a heretic?

Martin Luther was declared an outlaw and an heretic in 1521 by the Edict of Worms for the simple reason that he was both, and remains so until this day. As a matter of fact, he became far worse after his excommunication in 1521, please remember him in your prayers, and the thousands and millions of souls who have been lead astray and grown up outside of Christ's Church on account of Martin Luther and his twisted psyche.

What did the Edict of Worms do?

The Edict of Worms was issued on the 25th of May, 1521 by the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V and the Pope. It banned all the writings of Martin Luther. Labeled him a heretic and enemy of the state.

Who tried Martin Luther?

Martin Luther was not put on trial. He was ordered to appear before the Reichtag and Emperor Charles V at Worms. There he was ordered to recant his writings and teachings. He refused, and an edict (decree) was issued declaring him an outlaw and heretic.

Can you explain the Edict of Worms?

The Diet of Worms in 1521 was an assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. It was held at Heylshof Garden in the city of Worms. The assembly ended with the Edict of Worms which declared Luther to be a heretic and banned the reading or possession of his writings.

Why does it say something about worms with Martin Luther?

The Edict of Worms was a decree issued by The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V banning the writings of Martin Luther and labeling him a heretic and enemy of the state . The Edict, issued on May 25, 1521, in the city of Worms in southwest Germany, was the culmination of an ongoing struggle between Martin Luther and the Roman Catholic Church over reform, especially in the sale of indulgences.

Explain the impact of the Edict of Worms?

The effect of the Edict of Worms Martin Luther was made an outlaw within his empire. His works were to be burned and he was to be captured and delivered to the emperor. This also caused Luther to go to princes and ask for help. They helped him and sent him to hiding. This labeled him as heretic and enemy of the state. Made by Charles V in 1521.

Who made it crime to give Martin Luther food or shelter?

Edict of Worms

This made it illegal to give food or shelter to Martin Luther?

It's not the: "The Diet Of Worms" it's the Edict of Worms

Was Martin Luther in the Catholic Church at the time of his death?

No, he had been excommunicated by the Edict of Worms.

What was the impact of edict of worms?

Martin Luther had a bounty placed on his head by the roman catholic church

What was the impact of the Edict of Worms?

Martin Luther had a bounty placed on his head by the roman catholic church

What name did Martin Luther go by when he grew a beard while in hiding?

Martin Luther went by the name,Luther was allowed to leave Worms, but he was now considered an outlaw. Emperor Charles issued the Edict of Worms, declaring Luther a heretic and ordering his death.Frederick the Wise of Saxony favored Luther and arranged for him to be "kidnapped" and taken to Wartburg Castle near the town of Eisenach..Luther disguised himself as a nobleman, grew a beard and called himself "Junker J