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Q: What effect acid rainwater on limestone?
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Why does rainwater weather away limestone buildings?

Because rainwater is mildly acidic. Acid in the rainwater dissolves the limestone.

Is rainwater a weak acid that dissolves limestone to form caves?


Is limestone dissolved by carbonic acid chemical or mechanical?

The dissolution of limestone by rainwater containing carbonic acid is the perfect example of chemical weathering.

Why does rainwater have an effect on limestone?

Under the category of weather, limestone would be most affected by rain. Rain contains carbonic acid which reacts chemically with the calcium carbonate in limestones. Just try putting a drop of vinegar on a piece of limestone and see what happens. Carbonic acid in rainwater is not nearly this concentrated, though, and the effects take much longer to be noticeable. Tropical climates also produce large amounts of vegetation whose plant roots help break limestone apart, creating more surface area for rainwater to attack. Limestone would be least affected in arid climates, where most erosion is in the form of wind particle abrasion.

Why is chemical weathering common in places where there are large amounts of limestone and water?

Rainwater is naturally slightly acidic. The acid in rainwater reacts chemically with the calcium carbonate of limestone, dissolving it. The result is chemically weathered limestone, karst terrains, and cave structures.

How does acid and rain water affect the land underground?

Acid in the rainwater causes limestone to dissolve, leaving open spaces, or caves.

How can you say that rainwater is chemical weatherings?

Because rainwater dissolves carbon dioxide to produce carbonic acid - a weak acid - but over geological time it can dissolve various types of rock like limestone and thus weather it.

Another statue was made from limestone rain makes limestone weather more quickly than sand stone what substance in the rainwater causes this?

because of acid rain

Chemical weathering processes are particularly effective on limestone landscapes forming?

Chemical weathering processes are particularly effective on limestone landscapes forming because of carbonation. When rainwater combines with acid in the air, limestone is formed.

What are three typed of chemical weathering?

Chemical(acid in rainwater dissolving limestone), biological (work of animals and plants) and physical (freeze thaw)

How are cenotes made?

Rainwater sinking into limestone

What substance in rainwater makes it so limestone weather easier than sandstone?

Carbon dioxide dissolved in rain water forms a weak acid which slowly weathers limestone, a carbonate which reacts with acids.