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Q: What effect did John Brown's raid an execution have?
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What effect did John Browns's raid and execution have in the north?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery. - Novanet

What effect john browns raid and execution have in the north?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery. - Novanet

What effect did john brown's raid and execution?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery.

How did Americans respond to john browns raid and execution?

With mixed emotions

What effect did john brown's raid and execution have on the north?

some northerns liked him cuz he wanted to stop slavery

What effect did John Brown's raid the execution have in the north?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery. - Novanet

What effect did John Brown’s raid and execution have in north?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery. - Novanet

What were the consequences of John Browns raid?

John Brown is Hanged

What present-day state did John Brown raid?

John Browns raid was at Harpers Ferry which is now in West Virginia.

What did john browns raid on Harper ferry accomplish?


What day did john browns raid take place?

i dontknow

In which state present day state did john Brown's raid take place?

John Browns Raid took place in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.