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As the assembly line mode of production improved, it took less time to build a vehicle. This resulted in a lower price. As an example, the 1909 Ford Model T sold for $825 but by 1927, the last year of production the price had fallen to $360.

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Q: What effect did the assembly line have on the production and price of cars?
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What was the reason for increased cars made in the 1920s?

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Who developed the assembly line method of production of automobiles?

Ford made the assembly line for his cars.

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An assembly line is used to build cars.

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An assembly line is used to build cars.

How is the Model T an example of the assemblly line and mass production benefiting the consumer?

Because the assembly made more cars quickly, it drove the price of the car down. Thus, it was cheaper and more families were able to buy. Before the assembly line, cars were only for the rich.

Why did Henry ford start using the assembly line?

To boost production rate of his cars.

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Many cars roll of the assembly line in the state of Michigan. This is still a huge auto producing state that leads the country in auto production.

What was the response of society towards the invention of assembly lines by Henry ford?

the price of cars increased

What was life like before the assembly line and mass production?

It was harder to make cars as fast with out it and it sucked without it.

Why were few cars made during World War 2?

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What year did Henry Ford lower the price of cars?

Every year the Model "T" was in production.

Because of the production techniques introduced by Henry ford did color of cars become more varied?

No this had nothing to do with the colors of cars. Ford's techniques were the assembly line which influenced how quickly cars were produced, not the color.