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The final solution was a fundametal change in Nazi policy towards the Jews. Up until that point the Nazis had either deported Jews or placed them in Ghettos or concentration camps and used them as forced labour. With the final solution the Nazis actively pursued a policy of deliberate murder of Jews on an industrial scale.

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How did World War 2 effect the final solution?

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That was the starting point in putting into effect the Final Solution.

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The Final Solution was the name of the plan. The Allies knew of the final solution through intel, but thought it was a military plan, not plans for the Holocaust.

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Solution is a noun and final is an adjective and the Final Solution is a noun phrase or, arguably, a proper noun.

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Germany's concentration camps in WW2, although not all were used in that way when final solution went into effect.

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How were ghettos part of the final solution?

the ghettos came before the final solution

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The Final Solution went on for about three years.

What is the definition of Final Solution?

The Final Solution was the plan to rid of Europe's Jews.

What did Hitler call his program for dealing with Jewish people by sending them to death camps?

The Final Solution (of the Jewish question).

What was the nazi plan to eliminate the Jews?

"The Final Solution." Or "Final Solution." Often referred to in Nazi documents as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Note that Hitler never actually came up with a specific plan - his subordinates (led by Himler and Heydrich) gathered together a committee to devise the actual plan, at the direction of Hitler.