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Over in the americas Spain found gold so the effect it had on the rest of the European counties mad them want to send forth their own explores to gwt gold

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Dallas Weissnat

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2y ago
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10y ago

Over in the americas Spain found gold so the effect it had on the rest of the European counties mad them want to send forth their own explores to gwt gold

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Q: What effect did the wealth that . Spain gained from its overseas expeditions have on Europe?
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What effect did wealth that Spain gained from it overseas expeditions have on Europe?

Over in the americas Spain found gold so the effect it had on the rest of the European counties mad them want to send forth their own explores to gwt gold

What did the wealth that Spain gained from its overseas expedition have on Europe?

Over in the americas Spain found gold so the effect it had on the rest of the European counties mad them want to send forth their own explores to gwt gold

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