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Q: What effect do lichens have on their physical setting?
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Context is the physical or social setting of communication.

When do lichens grow?

Lichens need sunlight, water, nutrients from the air including dust and some nutrients from the substrate they grow on they are sensitive to sulfur dioxide there are fluffy lichens, crusty lichens, scaly lichens, leafy lichens etc

Is jello setting a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change.

Are lichens flora or fauna?

Lichens are flora - plants.Lichens are flora - plants.

What are properties of lichens?

Lichens grow extremely slowly. Lichens are able to survive extreme conditions.

How can lichens survive in habitats so seemingly devoid of nutrients and under harsh physical condition?

Lichens are one of the first organisms to colonise a newly disturbed area and are a part of the first stage in plant succession. Like mosses lichens have a number of adaptations which allow them to survive seemingly nutrient free habitats. Lichens, unlike vascular plants can grow with very little nutrients. There are enough nutrients carried in rain water and dust to allow lichens to grow on rock faces etc.

Is jello setting physical change or chemical change?

It is a physical change.

What mode of nutrition is in lichens?

what is the mode of nutrition in lichens?

Are Lichens unicellular.?

No , lichens are not unicelluar at all .

What is physical setting?

A physical setting is the actual geographical place where the characters are.

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