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Keep the ozone layer intact.

CFC's in the upper atmosphere destroys the Ozone layer and puts a hole in it, allowing more UV radiation in.

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Q: What effect do scientists predict banning the use of CFC will have?
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Related questions

What did the banning of CFCs do for the ozone layer?

The banning of CFC's is a vital step in protecting the ozone layer. CFC's enter the ozone layer and start a chain reaction with the ozone present there depleting it.

Can man increase the ozone layer?

Yes, he can. This can be done by banning the use of CFC's.

What are some of the theories about the ozone layer?

See "What does the ozone layer do?"

Why are scientists begin to worry about the levels of CFC in the atmosphere?

Scientists have began to worry about CFC's. They are going up in atmosphere and destroying ozone.

What are people doing to stop the hole in antarctica?

People are banning CFC's. They are also planting trees.

How do you control ozone hole?

Ozone hole could be controlled by banning CFC's. They react with ozone to deplete it.

What can you do to preserve the ozone layer?

We can do many things to preserve ozone. Banning of CFC's on earth is one way.

There is evidence that CFC's have formed holes in the?

There is evidence that CFC's have formed hole in the ozone. These evidence are found by scientists.

What effect does CFC the have on the ozone?

CFC's deplete the ozone. They react with ozone and deplete it.

What is the effect of the cfc's on ozone?

CFc's react with ozone to deplete it. They decompose it to destroy it.

What has been done by government to save the ozone layer?

Government has taken many steps. Banning of CFC's is one of them.

How ADid Australia react to Ozone depletion?

Australia has an ozone hole over it. It reacted by banning all CFC's.