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Q: What effect do those 2 events have on Earth's surface?
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How are crystals formed and how does the rate effect the crystal?

Crystals that are formed below the surface are formed by the cooling of magma. Crystals above the surface are formed when a volcano erupts, and cools, again, above the surface. Crystals that are below the surface usually have a slower rate of cooling than those above the surface, causing bigger crystals because of the slower cooling:)

How does the earth stay at a constant temperature?

Earths core temperature is sustained by fissile materials slowly breaking down over time. This energy is dissipated to space and will eventually run out. Much like Mars, Earths core and mantle will become solid and Earth will lose its magnetic field. Earths surface temperature is a function of many variables. Among those variables are; The previously mentioned magnetic field limits solar radiation to the thermosphere, Greenhouse affects of diffuse materials in the atmosphere reflect heat back to the surface, And convective currents circulate heat between regions of different temperatures.

Has atmospheric pressures at its surface that are roughly comparable to those at Earth's surface?


How does interior heat reach earths surface?

Imagine the mantle (the hot bit under the Earth's crust), like a lava lamp. The hot magma, which has been heated right down at the very bottom, near the outer core, is less dense then the rest of the magma. It rises, like your lava lamp bubble, until it reaches the crust. If it's hot enough, the magma can melt it's way through to the surface, causing those things we call volcanoes to form.

What is a developable surface?

A develop-able surface is any area which can be effectively used for constructing buildings or planting crops. This makes up much of the Earth's surface except for extreme areas and those with harsh weather conditions.

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None of those. It would take 118.55 Earths to stretch across Jupiter, assuming you're talking about the surface of the Earth stretching across the surface of Jupiter. Take the surface area of both planets and divide them. (Jupiter / Earth) 23.71 billion / 200 million = 118.55 If you meant how many Earths could fit inside Jupiter then the answer would be 1,321.3. Hopefully that helps.

What is the reason that ozone near the earths surface is dangerous?

Because the pollutions and the chemicals are so thick in the ozone layer, it is too dangerous for us to breath and if those chemicals and pollutant gases where to get to our surface, we'd get sick and/or die.

What is earths conditions on its surface?

The Earth is in a damaged state and under threat from dangers including those arising ' Global Warming '.Hope it helped!p.s. if ur reading this, my name is michaela! :]

Why did Scrooge have 3 sprits?

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A galvanizing event is an event that strengthens, that inspires positively, that brings resolve to someone or a group of persons. Both negative events and positive events are capable of galvanizing (that is, producing a galvanizing effect in) those affected by them.

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How are crystals formed and how does the rate effect the crystal?

Crystals that are formed below the surface are formed by the cooling of magma. Crystals above the surface are formed when a volcano erupts, and cools, again, above the surface. Crystals that are below the surface usually have a slower rate of cooling than those above the surface, causing bigger crystals because of the slower cooling:)

What does the earths crust consist of that moves?

Those would be tectonic plates.