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mercutio mocked romeo alot of his "obsession" with Rosaline. He also was the one who started with the whole queen mab thing influeincing romeo to go to the party and not just ditch it because of a dream

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14y ago

Romeo killing Tybalt shows how Romeo is true to the people he cares about. As Mercutio had earlier been killed by Tybalt, Romeo was seeking revenge for his best friend. In previous scenes Romeo has refused to fight, but this shows that he will not back down for what he believes in.

The audience will most likely feel shocked as they see their newly - wed hero kill one of his now relations. Many people will be glad to see Tybalt go. Tybalt only appeared in three scenes, but in all of those scenes he starts a fight, or at least tries to. His death could symbolize a new beginning for the families. It could make the families see sense after a dear member from both their houses is killed. The audience will feel that this could either be the end of all the arguing, or the start of much more to come.


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13y ago

First, it really scuppers any chance that they will be able to get the Capulets and particularly Mrs. Capulet to accept Romeo as a son-in-law. Second it causes Romeo to get banished, meaning that their relationship, at least in the short term, is going to be a lot more long-distance than they had hoped.

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13y ago

If Tybalt hadn't set out to murder Romeo, Romeo wouldn't have killed him and ended up banished. Furthermore, Capulet's agreement to Paris's request to marry Juliet, to which he was only lukewarm before, was in part motivated by Juliet's great sadness, which resulted from Romeo's banishment, which resulted from Tybalt's attempt to murder him.

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10y ago

It was against the law to kill people in street fights (still is, for that matter). Romeo is tried for the crime (even though he is not present) and is sentenced to be banished from Verona--if he is found within the city he is to be put to death. This will make it hard for him to visit his heavily cloistered wife, who will have a hard time getting out of Verona to see him.

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15y ago

Tybalt was Juliet's cousin. Romeo happened to get into a fight with him, and he killed Tybalt. This started another feud between Romeo's family and Juliet's family.

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14y ago

he ate potato chips and was drunk

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12y ago

He kills Mercutio, Romeo's cousin.

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Q: How does the character Tybalt affect the play roemo and Juliet?
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How may people die in roemo and Juliet?

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because romeo wants to destroy Juliet!

What event is the most direct cause of Roemo and Juliet's death?

The most direct cause of Romeo and Juliet's death is their impulsive decision to marry in secret, which ultimately leads to a chain of events resulting in their tragic end. Their families' long-standing feud, miscommunication, and the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt also contribute to the tragedy.

Should Romeo have left Tybalt's punishment to the Prince and Explain.?

Roemo should have left the problem to the authorties.When people take the law into their own hands bad things occur such as being banished

When did they write roemo and Juliet?

It depends which Romeo and Juliet you are talking about. Shakespeare's play is the most famous, and it was written in 1595 or so. But there have been lots of Romeo and Juliets both before and since--stories, poems, songs, operas, ballets and so on.

When did roemo and Juliet get married?

Yes, in fact they did get married. They got married by Friar Lawrence. He was the priest that helped him at the wedding. They get married between act 2 and act 3 of the play.

Where does romeo go after spending his last night with Juliet?

Romeo marries Juliet at the very end of Act II. In the first scene of Act III Benvolio and Mercutio are lolling about in the Verona town square when Tybalt arrives, looking for a fight with Romeo. A moment later Romeo arrives. So the first place Romeo goes after his wedding is to the Verona town square. (You could probably say the Verona palazzo, as long as your teacher will understand that).

Why does Tybalt hate Romeo?

As a Capulet, Tybalt has been brought to hate all Montagues, to which family Romeo belongs. When he hears Romeo's voice at the Capulet masked ball, to which no Montagues have been invited, he is outraged and wants to fight him then but is told to quieten down. Hoever they meet in the street the following day and fight there, which is when Romeo kills Tybalt.

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no he did not but he resembles the actor who did very much

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Unfortunately for her, she is dead when Lord Montague is at the tomb. It is revealed in the last scene of the play that she earlier died of heartbreak over Roemo's banishment. Poor Montague had a double dose of grief.

What indications are there the feud between the Montague and Capulet has been going on for some time?

All we can say is that it had started long before the play starts. The prologue describes it as an "ancient grudge". By the time of the play nobody really remembers why it started, or makes any reference to it.

Can teenagers really find true love so young?

In my opinion,I think that true love can happen at any age. Roemo and Juliet met at the age of 13. I also am "young", and I like a guy,but I'm not sure if its true love. I want to believe that there is such a think as true love at a young age,but so far I think that its totally possible.[different person now xD] okay, romeo and Juliet met at 13. sometimes people stay with their school crushes. but ... that's shakespeare. in the real world, as soon as people go out, they say, 'omg i fricken love him.' or 'aw, i love you babe.' i really don't think they mean that. they might think they do, but then that means they have no idea what love means. i am thirteen and i liked this guy, he liked me, he told me i was beautiful. he moved, and we never went out or even hugged (to shy to admit our feelings.) we used to talk for hours at night but that only lasted a couple months. i have an envelope that has things i made for him over the years. im wondering if its love ... i doubt it but theres a little voice that says it might be. theres literally no day that goes by that i don't think about him. every night as i lay in bed i think of him. he went out with alot of girls since then, but everytime a guy asks me out, i think of him, and say no. it takes time, alot of time, to find out what love feels like. you have to dig deep, and then you'll be 100% sure once you find the answer. so, i recommend waiting for the right time to tell him you love him, he might be the one for you, but you just don't know it :)