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slows cell growth

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Q: What effect does auxin have on plant roots?
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What effect does auxin on plant roots?

slow cell growth

How do plant hormones control the growth of roots and shoots?

Auxin controls the growth of the plant. Auxin in the roots of the plant inhibits growth whereas in the stems in the stems it encourages growth.

How is plant growth controlled?

plant growth controlled by hormone called auxin which is found in roots and shoots and sunlight break down auxin answered by rasool ebrahimi

What are Three ways that auxins effect plant growth?

Auxin promote stem elongation. This plant growth hormone is responsible for development of root system. Apical bud undergoes rapid division under the influence of auxin.

What two plant hormones that regulate plant growth and development?

Auxin controls the growth of the plant. Auxin in the roots of the plant inhibits growth whereas in the stems in the stems it encourages growth.

Is auxin a plant hormone or animal hormone?

Auxin is a hormone that is found solely in plants.

Which of the following plant hormones stimulates cell division in the roots A. Ethylene B. Gibberlins C. Cytokinins D. Abscisic acid E. Auxin?


What plant hormone inhibits abscission?


What is an auxin?

An auxin is a class of plant growth substance which plays an essential role in coordination of many growth and behavioural processes in the life cycle of a plant.

What is the effect of auxin on root called?


What is the plant hormone that causes the plant to move towards the light?


Where are auxins found in a plant?

Yes however auxin is a plant hormone