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Gravity changes the velocity of an object that is in "free fall" (that is, one that is only subject to the force of gravity). Near Earth's surface, this change of velocity due to gravity occurs at a rate of 9.8 (meters / second) / second; usually this is written as 9.8 meters/second2.

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Q: What effect does gravity have on velocity?
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What is the effect of gravity on velocity?

Gravity is a force and any force acting on a body changes its velocity in the direction of the force.

How does gravity effect a falling object?

If there is no air resistance, gravity will accelerate the falling object, that is, it will change its velocity.

What is the speed of light in zero gravity?

Gravity does not effect speed of light ,so velocity is constant. Even if it effect the effect is negligible. So in short answer is 3*108ms-1 -Thunder

Effect of acceleration due to gravity?

Acceleration simply refers to the rate of change of a velocity. You might say that the effect of an acceleration - any acceleration - is therefore a change of velocity.

Explain the effect that gravity has on the velocity of falling objects?

The force of gravity causes the falling object's velocity to grow in magnitude by 9.8 meters per second every second, while its direction remains constant.

What effect do gravity have on a moving object?

All objects attract one another (exert an attractive force), due to gravity. The effect of any force, including gravity - if there is no force opposing it - is to accelerate the object (i.e., change its velocity).

Is time constant throughout the universe?

no due to difference of mass. see effect of gravity/velocity on time

How are gravity and velocity related?

gravity affects the momentum and velocity of an object. momentum=mass x velocity

How doesn't a vertical force effect a horizontal motion?

You need to know about gravity, forces, velocity, acceleration, and vector.

Why does a force of gravity has no effect on horizontal component of velocity?

The force of gravity points towards the center of the earth ... the direction we call "down". The force has no horizontal component, so it can't have any effect on horizontal speed.

Since it also hav gravity..Why moon has no air in it?

As the moons gravity is comparatively weak the escape velocity from the moon is much lower. The speed of the gasses would exceed this velocity and therefore escape to space. There are of course other factors that effect these matters.

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile?

In the absence of air resistance, the force of gravity has no effect on the horizontal component of a projectile's velocity, and causes the vertical component of its velocity to increase by 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second downward for every second of its flight.