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Q: What effect does increasing the pressure have on this equilibrium Hintwhich reaction produces fewer gas molecules?
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What effect does increasing the pressure have on this equilibrium?

the forwrd reaction is favored

Increasing the volume of a closed system at equilibrium will?

decrease the pressure

What is equilibrium vapor pressure?

It is vapor molecules in equilibrium with a liquid in a closed system exert a pressure proportional to the concentration of molecules in the vapor state.

How will a change in pressure and concentration affect the yield of ammonia made?

Per the Haber process, increasing the pressure moves the equilibrium position to the right, increasing the yield.

Increasing the chance of a reaction when two molecules collide?


What does increasing the number of molecules in a fixed volume result in?

An increase in pressure

Is the vapor pressure of a liquid a linear function of temperature?

If the temperature of the liquid is raised, more molecules escape to the vapor until equilibrium is once again established. The vapor pressure of a liquid, therefore, increases with increasing temperature.

When the dissolving rate equals the rate at which molecules comes out of solution the solution is in?

When the dissolving rate equals the rate at which molecules comes out of solution the solution is in 'equilibrium'.

What happens to the air molecules in a divers lungs as the pressure increases during a dive?

As the diver descends deeper into the water, the pressure increases. This causes the air molecules in the diver's lungs to compress, leading to a decrease in volume. In order to maintain equilibrium with the increasing pressure, the air molecules in the lungs will be forced into smaller spaces, potentially causing discomfort or injury if not managed properly through controlled breathing techniques.

What happen to the movement of molecules at equillimbrium?

The movement of molecules at equilibrium is determined by Le Chatalier's principle. This basically says that if you change a reaction to favour one side, the equilibrium will try and counteract this change. The three things that can affect an equilibrium is temperature, pressure and concentration.

What are the properties of a colligative property?

1. Vapor pressure lowering: the decrease in vapor pressure with increasing the number of solute molecules in solution. 2. Boiling point elevation: the increase in boiling point with increasing number of solute molecules in solution. 3. Freezing point depression: the decrease in freezing point with increasing number of solute molecules in solution. 4. Osmotic pressure

Maximum pressure of vapor that builds up in a closed container?

The pressure produced by a vapor (gas) is a result of the collisions of the gas molecules with the sides of the container.