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it will shorten it

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Q: What effect does increasing the tension in a vibrating string have on the wavelength?
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Why do radio waves diffract around building's while light waves do not?

Light waves do diffract, but the effect is very very small. In general diffraction effects are important when the object interacting with the wave has dimensions that are comparable to the wavelength of the wave. Light waves have much shorter wavelength compared to the radio waves. Hence the effect. (It should also be noted that radio waves penetrate buildings much better than light waves, but that leads to a more nuanced discussion of diffraction effects.)

Why does gamma radiation damage body cells but radio waves do not?

The energy of a electromagnetic wave increases as the wavelength decreases. Radio waves have a very long wavelength compared to gamma rays. Since gamma rays have so much energy, they can change molecules by "kicking out" electrons with their energy. Where as radio waves don't have enough energy to effect many compounds.

Can waves have the same wavelength but different ampiltudes?

Of course. There's no relationship between the wavelength and amplitude of a wave phenomenon. With a trumpet or a guitar, you can make low notes thaty are loud or soft, and you can make high notes that are loud or soft. You can make loud notes that are high or low, and you can make soft notes that are high or low. One parameter has no effect on the other.

Does the strength to strike the tuning fork effect the speed of sound in a vibrating air column?

No The strength you strike it will affect the overall volume, or intensity or amplitude of the sound. However, the speed of vibration (frequency or pitch) will remain constant. That is the point of a tuning fork. It can be used to tune musical instruments because it has a reproducible frequency or pitch.

How do you double tongue on the oboe?

Double tonguing on the oboe is quite hard, but think of say some syllables to the effect of "dug-a-da". After you do this, try increasing the speed. I must warn you thought, the majority of the time, the reed honks. Good Luck!

Related questions

Which of the following is an effect of increasing the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave?

Increasing the wavelength results in decreasing the frequency and decreasing the energy.

What effect if any does the increasing the speed of the plunger have on the wavelength of the wave?

It will shorten the wavelength.

What effect if any does increasing the speed of the plunger have on the wavelength of the waves?

It will shorten the wavelength.

How are the energy and wavelength of electro magnetic radiation related?

The Relationship is the 'Flux' of the magnetic field.Changing the amount of energy will not effect the wavelength (except to choke off the field when it becomes too dense)and increasing the wavelength will increase the energy density (flux)

What effect does tension have on pitch?

Tension in vocal cords can lead to a higher pitch as the cords are stretched more tightly, resulting in increased frequency of vibrations. Conversely, relaxation of vocal cords can lower the pitch as the cords are less tense and create slower vibrations. Finding the right balance of tension is important for producing a controlled and accurate pitch.

Why does the Doppler effect explain why a siren's pitch decreases as it moves away from you?

The siren moves away from the sound waves it has already produced, increasing their wavelength. Make sure it says INCREASING and not DECREASING -Apex :)

How does temperature effect wavelength?

How does temperature affect wavelength?

What affect if any does increasing the speed of the plunger have on the wavelength of the wave?

I would think the wavelength would be shorter as you would stroke the plunger more often in any given period of time. That would make the peaks closer together.Unless you are refering to only one stroke and then I would say no effect on wavelength.

Does refractionand reflection effect the wavelength of sound?

No, refraction and reflection do not affect the wavelength of sound. Wavelength is determined by the frequency of sound waves in a given medium, and it remains constant as sound waves interact through these processes. Refraction and reflection can alter the direction and intensity of sound waves, but not their wavelength.

How does the amount energy affect the size of the wavelength?

As energy increases, the wavelength decreases. This is described by the inverse relationship between energy and wavelength in electromagnetic waves. Higher energy corresponds to shorter wavelengths, and vice versa.

What causes a sound to change pitch?

A change of pitch in a sound is caused by a change of wavelength. This can be caused by a change in length or size of the vibrating or oscillating device or system causing the sound. When you press on a guitar string at one of the frets, for instance, you shorten the vibrating part of the string thereby shortening its wavelength and increasing its pitch - shorter wavelength = higher pitch.*The pitch of a sound can also be changed by movement of the sound source away from or toward the listener. This is called Doppler effect. Moving away, the waves become stretched resulting in a lower pitch, and vice versa when moving toward the listener.*Keep in mind that all sound waves travel at the same speed, so shorter wavelengths will reach your ears in greater numbers per second than longer wavelengths. This is called frequency. Higher frequency = higher pitch and, again, vice versa.

Effect of Temperature on Surface Tension?

surface tension decreases with the increase of temperature