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It will decrease the voltage drop.

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Q: What effect does it have on the voltage drop in an electrical cable if the resistance of the cable is decreased?
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What would be the effect on the voltage level at the load if the distance between the electrical supply point and the load appliance is increased?

As the resistance in the wire increases due to the longer length the voltage drop across the wire resistance increases. This leaves less voltage across the load. To overcome this voltage drop usually a larger size wire which has less resistance is used. A safe nominal figure for voltage drop is to keep it at 3% of the line voltage.

What is the effect on the current in a wire if both the voltage across it and it's resistance are doubled?

By Ohm's Law, current is voltage divided by resistance, so if you double both the voltage and the resistance, the current would remain the same.

What happens to a parallel circuit resistance if the voltage applied is doubled?

That has no effect on the resistance. The current doubles also.

How does loading effect affect flow of current?

Ohm's Law says that Voltage = Current x Resistance (Load). Therefore Current = Voltage / Resistance and as resistance decreases current increases and as resistance increases current decreases.

What happens to the brightness of a bulb if the volts are increased?

The electrical potential energy increases as the voltage is increased. It further excites the filament in the bulb more than a lessor voltage would. Using good old ohm's law (Voltage = Current x Resistance), a larger voltage applied to a bulb at the same resistance increases the current proportionally and larger currents has the effect to cause higher temps in conductors

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What are the three factors that effect the electrical parameters of a op-amp?

Supply voltage , temperature , frequency are factors that effect the electrical parameters of opamp

How the voltage depending resistance works?

There are two ways of looking at this question, depending on what you mean by 'voltage'.The first applies to the supply voltage, which is quite independent of a circuit's load resistance. In other words, changing the load resistance will have no effect on the supply voltage (within limits; for example, and extremely-low resistance might cause the supply voltage to collapse!).The second applies to any voltage drops, which are proportional to the resistance across which they appear. If, for example, you have a high resistance and a low resistance, in series, then the higher voltage drop will appear across the higher resistance.

What is the effect on current if ohmic value of the resistance is decreased?

I = V/R (I is inversely related to R) Therefore, if R is decreased, I will increase if V is held constant.

If you double both the voltage and the resistance in a circuit what would be the effect on the current?

If you double the voltage in a circuit, the power is quadrupled, assuming the resistance stays the same.

What effect does decreased resistance have on a circuit?

resistance is the opposition to the flow of an electric current, therefore the current will decrease as the resistance increases. Resistance also creates heat. This is how the light globes in a circuit light up.