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Q: What effect does not fasting before a blood sugar level test results?
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What effect does not fasting before a blood test have on cholesterol level results?

The test isn't accurate.

Can you smoke before a fasting blood test for heart disease?

You shouldn't ... the nicotine gets into the bloodstream and may effect the test results. Fasting is just that ... fasting on everything whether it is consumed or smoked.

Can you have artificial sweetener in green tea before a fasting blood test?

Yes, you can have artificial sweetener in green tea before a fasting blood test, because this is not real sugar and will not affect your results.

Can you eat 16 hours before a fasting blood test?

Fasting blood test requires at least the fasting for 8 hours and at most the 12 hours. Over-fasting (more than 13 hours) may give the erroneous results.

When fasting for blood work can you drink milk?

No, it is generally recommended to only consume water when fasting for blood work. Milk contains calories and nutrients that can affect the results of certain blood tests. It is best to follow your healthcare provider's instructions for fasting before blood work.

Can you receive holy communion before fasting blood work?

can you receive holy communion before fasting for blood work

What blood tests for dogs and cats require fasting?

Blood urea nitrogen tests require a 12 hour fasting before hand. Preanesthetic blood work requires a fasting before hand also. Most all blood work requires a 12 hour fasting before hand.

How will eating before a blood test effect your blood sugar levels?

Eating before a blood test will cause your blood sugar levels to rise. That is why they are referred to as "fasting" blood tests, meaning you are not supposed to eat or drink anything but water before having them.

Do I need to fast before a blood test?

Certain blood test lab near me, require fasting before the test to ensure accurate results. For example, lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, and fasting lipid profile tests typically require 8 to 12 hours of fasting. During this fasting period, you should refrain from consuming any food or beverages, except water. However, not all blood tests require fasting, so it's essential to follow the specific instructions provided by the laboratory or healthcare professional.

Can you have non dairy creamer before a blood test?

That might depend on what the blood test is for. If you are doing fasting labwork for cholesterol or diabetes, it can effect the results. Even though the non dairy creamer is cholesterol free, it does contain sugars. These sugars can increase the fasting sugar level as well as the triglyceride portion of the cholesterol. It is recommended that if you are asked to be fasting for a lab, that you only drink water or black coffee prior to the lab.

If you have two drinks the night before your blood test will it effect the liver results?


Is fasting required for blood work?

Yes, usually your doctor will ask you not to eat anything after midnight the night before you are to get your blood tested. The test gets more accurate results that way.