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Q: What effect has bourgeoisie had on modern society?
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The Aztecs were a part of the ancient society. Currently, this ancient culture has no effect on modern day society.

What is a sentence with bourgeoisie?

The bourgeoisie class was referred to the middle class in society.

What was the bourgeoisie?

The bourgeoisie is the ruling/leech class. The bourgeoisie lives off the efforts of others and adds little if nothing to society.

The french middle class society?


What is the French middle class of society?

I believe the answer is bourgeoisie

Who was introduced Bourgeois Type Of Society?

It was Karl Marx who introduced the bourgeoisie type of society. The term 'bourgeoisie' was used to refer to the wealthy middle class members of society in the latter part of the Middle Ages.

Why were the bourgeoisie important?

The bourgeoisie are important in that they are the main antagonists in the story of human history. Bourgeoisie take and steal from the masses until it goes too far, then society progresses.

What effect does the interconnectedness of modern have on society?

It contributes to the fast spread of ideas.

What is the effect that the Norse myths have on modern society?

Marvels superhero Thor was based on the Norse god Thor. This has brought Norse gods and places into the modern society

What was the burgosie?

The bourgeoisie refers to the middle class in a capitalist society, typically consisting of business owners, professionals, and white-collar workers. They are characterized by their ownership of capital and means of production, as well as their role in driving economic growth and trade. The bourgeoisie played a significant role in the industrial revolution and the development of modern capitalism.

What are the main features of the bourgeoisie conception of society?

The bourgeoisie conception of society emphasizes individual ownership of property, free market competition, and social mobility based on merit. It values personal initiative and entrepreneurship, and advocates for limited government intervention in the economy. The bourgeoisie view capitalism as the most efficient economic system that allows for innovation and economic growth.

What is the correct spelling of the word that refers to the wealthy social class in a capitalist society?
