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The two parts of the river might slide horizontally in opposite directions

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Lia Midory

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2y ago
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Q: What effect might an earthquake along this fault have on a river that runs perpendicular to the fault?
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What effect of of earthquake?

The ground shakes, and the earth is displaced along a section of the earthquake fault.

What effect Large sudden rock movements occur along a fault?

The effect is generally known as an earthquake.

What happens along a fault beneath Earths surface when an earthquake occurs.?

If the fault is responsible for the earthquake, there will be movement (displacement) along the fault.

What is the area along the fault where an earthquake begins?

The area along the fault where an earthquake begins is called the focus or hypocenter. This is the point within the Earth where the seismic energy is first released, generating seismic waves that cause the ground shaking we feel during an earthquake.

What happens alonge a fault beneath earths surface when an earthquake happens?

If the fault is responsible for the earthquake, there will be movement (displacement) along the fault.

Where is the focus of an earthquake?

The focus (more correctly termed the hypocenter) of an earthquake is the point in the earth where the earthquake rupture or fault movement actually occurred. The point on the surface directly above the hypocenter is known as the epicenter.

elastic rebound?

the tendency for the deformed rock along a fault to spring back after an earthquake

What is the place along a fault where the slipping that causes begins the earthquake?

fault line

What happens along a fault beneath earths surface when earthquakes happen?

If the fault is responsible for the earthquake, there will be movement (displacement) along the fault.

What is fault creep?

Fault creep is slow movement along a fault line with NO resulting earthquake.

What is a slow movement along a fault called?

An Earthquake!

Where most earthquake's occur?

Along fault lines.