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Q: What effects did thomas Jefferson take to reduce the national debt?
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Did Thomas Jefferson sell public lands to reduce the national debt?

Not that I know of. But he did BUY land from France which was the Louisiana Purchase.

When was Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility created?

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility was created in 1984.

What is the budget of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility?

The budget of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is 72,000,000 dollars.

What is the motto of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility?

The motto of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is '"Exploring the nature of matter."'.

Was thomas Jefferson for or against national taxes?

Jefferson was most likely against national taxes.

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Thomas Jefferson

Why did Thomas Jefferson choose the dove as a national bird?

Thomas Jefferson chose the dove as the national bird of America because a dove represents innocence, purity, and cleanliness.

What did Thomas Jefferson think of the national debt?

He wanted to cut the national debt.

Who disagreed with thomas Jefferson on the National bank?

talexander hamilton

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Thomas Jefferson (:

What lasting effects did Thomas Jefferson have on the lives of others?

he brought freedom to them

Why did Thomas Jefferson reduce the size of the federal government?

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