

What effects do tornadoes have on people and animals?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Tornadoes can destroy the homes of people and animals and can kill or injure them.

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Q: What effects do tornadoes have on people and animals?
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What are the effects of tornado?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy buildings and vegetation and can kill or injure people and animals.

What effects do tornadoes have on the environment?

Tornadoes are part of our environment but they also destroy our environment like houses, roads, and forests!Tornadoes have very destructive effects on the environment because they spread pollution from people's houses and debris flies everywhere. If people weren't around tornadoes might not have such bad effects. Tornadoes would kill trees and plants and animals but all those decompose. It would give a chance for new plants and animals to populate an area everytime a tornado hit the area.

What are the effects on humans from tornadoes?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy people's property and can kill or injure the people themselves.

How do tornadoes effect animals?

Just like people, animals can be killed and injured by tornadoes and lose their habitats.

What effects do tornadoes have in Texas?

The affects of tornadoes in Texas are the same as they are elsewhere. Homes and other buildings are damaged or destroyed, trees are damaged, snapped, or uprooted, crops are damaged, and people and animals are killed or injured.

How do tornadoes affect humans and animals?

Tornadoes can destroy animal habitats and killer or injure people and animals. People can lose their homes, workplaces, and other property.

How does tornadoes effect peopole?

Tornadoes can have devastating effects on people. They can cause injuries and fatalities, destroy homes and buildings, disrupt infrastructure, and lead to the loss of essential services such as electricity, water, and transportation. Tornadoes can also have long-term psychological impacts on survivors, causing stress, anxiety, and trauma.

What are the effects and concerns of a tornado?

Tornadoes cause major property damage and often kill and injure people. The main concerns regarding tornadoes are these effects and warning people when a tornado is coming.

What causes and effects do tornadoes make?

tornadoes do a lot of damage. it can leave people in devistation, cost a lot of money and kill people.

What can tornadoes hit?

it can it hit people, buildings, and animals.

What are the affects of tornadoes?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy vegetation and property and can kill and injure people and animals.

How does tornadoes impact people and environment?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy property, vegetation, and animal habitats and kill or injure people and animals.