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Q: What electric instruments were invented or improved between 1870-1950?
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Who invented the standard electric lamp?

thomas Edison invented the electric lamp !!!no it was invented by a british scientist humphrey davies, Edison merely improved on his work, stupid American.

What was alessandro volta's contribution in electricity?

Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery were we use elctric :] He improved the electrophorus and later invented the first electric battery in 1800.

Why electric guitar invented?

I guess people wanted a new sound in their string instruments so they built electric guitars to get it.

Was the telegraph invented during the late 1800s?

No, The non-electric telegraph was invented by Claude Chappe in 1794, but it was improved by Thomas Edison during the 1800.

Who invented the electric light When Where?

made in 1800 by Humphry DavyThomas Edison improved the light bulb in 1870's

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There have been guitar like instruments for centuries but Les Paul created the first electric guitar.

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Improved Pascaline was invented by Leibniz.

When was the first electric pencil sharpener invented?

Bernard Lassimone, a French mathematician, invented the standard manual pencil sharpener in 1828. In 1847, Therry des Estwaux invented an improved mechanical sharpener.

Did Tycho Brahe invent any instruments?

In general science books back in Bergen School- it was stated he invented or improved the Sextant. This may or may not be true.

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Thomas Edison invented the phonograph and the first practical incandescent electric light bulbs.

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