

What electrical item uses batteries?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Torches. Generators. Kinetic engines...

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Q: What electrical item uses batteries?
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What is a common electrical item that holds 9-volt batteries?

There are a number of uses for 9 volt batteries for the home environment. Some of the more common products that utilise this type of battery are smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, radios and some childrens toys.

What kind of item would be considered an electrical semiconductor?

Batteries that charge up if sun light hits them. Also, reusable batteries, that you charge up when their power is gone.

Are batteries recycled more than any other item?

Batteries are the most recycled item

What item transfers electrical energy to mechanical energy?

An electronic motor transfers electrical energy to kinetic energy (movement energy). These use electromagnets, powered by your power source (eg. Batteries).

Why do batteries run down?

Batteries are used to store electrical energy. So when you put batteries into a remote control then the remote control uses that electrical energy to preform an action such as, changing the channel.

How do car batteries provide voltage?

How Automotive Batteries Create Electrical CurrentAutomotive batteries create electrical current by converting chemical energy stored in the plates and the electrolyte [the Sulphuric Acid in auto batteries] to electrical energy.

What do Batteries power?

anything that electrical that says ''takes batteries'' on it

Do batteries contain silicon?

Electrical batteries don't contain silicon.

What kind of electrical energy does a calculator use?

most calculators are powered by solar energy but some are powered by batteries

What do batteries transform into electrical energy?

Batteries transform chemical energy to electrical energy. The electrical energy is released during a chemical reaction inside the battery.

How do you convert the vibration into the electrical?

with batteries

What kinds of batteries does an itty bitty book light use?

The itty bitty book light can be plugged into the mains or used with a battery pack. The battery pack uses for 'C' batteries. These are larger than the usual AA batteries that most electrical products use.