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225Ac--------alpha (4He) + 221Fr

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Q: What element decays to form helium and francium?
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What household item contains the element Francium?

For the most part none do. However, some ceramics contain uranium in their glazes and uranium may form francium as it decays. As a result, some plates may or may not contain an atom of francium at any given time.

Are the alpha particle and helium nucleus the same thing?

Yes and no, alpha particles are a form or radiation (a helium nucleus), they are emitted from an unstable radioactive element which decays (and turns into some lighter element) by emitting the alpha particle. This form of decay is called alpha decay.

Is helium a form of matter?

Helium is a gaseous chemical element.

Why helium is an element?

Helium is an element because it contains only one atom in its simplest form.

Is helium inside a balloon a compound?

Helium is not a compound; it's a single element in its gaseous form.

What element does francium bond with?

The chemistry of francium is not experimentally known; it is only estimated. Francium should be have properties similar to caesium.

Helium can combine with what to form new substances?

helium does not combine with any element

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why helium does not react with other elements to form compounds

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Which element is unstable and decays to form other elements?

Radium. - has a half life of 1,601 years Francium which has a half life of a max. of 22 minutes

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Is helium element or compound?

Helium itself is an element and it forms no chemical compound whatsoever, therefore, it is a noble gas. The atom of Helium is so inert that it cannot even form a molecule with another atom of Helium, hence is monoatomic.