

What element has 4 shells?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What element has 4 shells?
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Can an element have more than 4 shells?

An element can easily have more than 4 shells.. E.g. all elements in the 7th period have 7 shells, wherein their electrons are distributed in 4 types of orbitals, being: s, p, d and f orbitals.

What element has 4 valence electrons and 2 shells?


How do the periods on the periodic table get their numbers?

if an element has 1 shell in its atom it is in period 1and so on... 2 shells=period 2 3 shells=period 3 4 shells=period 4 5 shells=period 5 6 shells=period 6 7 shells=period 7

What element has 2 electron shells and 4 valence electrons?

Two electrons imply that the element is in the second period. The 4 valence electrons says that it is located in group 4A (or group 14 in modern notation). Hence, this element is carbon.The element has 2 electron shells means the element is in the 2nd group. This element is carbon. It has 4 valence electrons.

What is the difference between period 4 and 5 on the periodic table?

There are 4 electronic shells in period 4 while there are 5 shells in period 5.Elements of period 4 are smaller in size as compared to elements of period 5.Example of period 4 element is potassium and period 5 element is tin.

What element has 4 valence electrons and 3 shells?

Silicon. Electronic configuration [Ne]3s23p2

What is the 28?

The element with atomic number 28 is Nickel (Ni). It is a transition metal in period 4 of the Periodic Table. It is the first element in the Nickel family. It has 28 electrons in 4 shells with 2 electrons in the outer shell.

What element has 3 electron shells and 4 valence electrons?

Silicon. Electronic configuration [Ne]3s23p2

What is the forth element?

The element with atomic number 4 is Beryllium (Be). Beryllium is the first element in the Group 2 - Alkaline Earth Metals family. It has 4 electron sin two shells, with two electrons in each shell.

How many shells are there in element mercury?

There are 80 electrons shells for mercury.

What is the element 28?

The element with atomic number 28 is Nickel (Ni). It is a transition metal in period 4 of the Periodic Table. It is the first element in the Nickel family. It has 28 electrons in 4 shells with 2 electrons in the outer shell.

How many energy shells are in krypton?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.