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Bromine(Br) has a charge of +35 on its nucleus

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Q: What element has a charge of plus 35 on its nucleus?
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What is the element with a plus 35 on its nucleus?

The one with atomic number 35: bromine.

What is the charge of the nucleus in bromine?

An atomic nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. Each proton has a charge of +1, whereas neutrons have no charge. Bromine has an atomic number of 35, and a nucleus containing 35 protons, therefore a charge of +35.

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Which element has 19 protons 35 electrons 2 neutrons and 201 particles in the nucleus?

This element doesn't exist.

What charge is on an ion with 35 protons and 38 electrons?

By definition, every atom of every element must have the same number of protons as every atom of that same element. So, all you have to do is find which element has 35 protons. Look at the periodic table, and find the 35th listed element. That element is Bromine. So Bromine is the correct answer.

What element has 19 protons 35 electrons 2 neutrons and 201 particles in the nucleus?

No element could possibly fit this description. There are WAY too many electrons and no where near 201 particles in the nucleus.

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What does the 80 stand for in Bromine-80?

This is the mass number of the specific isotope. Since the atomic number of bromine is 35, bromine-80 has 35 protons and 45 neutrons. Bromine-80 can also be written in formulas as 80Br.

What is 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35?

The answer is 350. Simply add the numbers together like you would for two plus two. To check your work, a calculator is the best option.110

What is 35 plus 35 plus 35 plus 35?

Answer = 140

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What subatomic particle number determines the identity of an element?

The number of protons, which is the atomic number of an element, determines the identity of an element.