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Q: What element is a noble gas and has 36 electrons?
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When neutral what element has 36 electrons?

I assume by neutral, you mean atoms rather than ions. This means we have the element with a proton number of 36 which is the noble gas krypton.

What element is krypton 36?

Krypton is a "noble" or inert gas with an atomic mass of 36, meaning that the element has 36 protons in the nucleus, and 36 electrons in the shells. Because it is an inert gas in the family of helium, neon and argon, it does not participate in chemical reactions.

What is the element with an atomic number of 36 has?

The element that has an atomic number of 36 is Krypton, a noble gas in period 4.

What noble gas has the same number of electrons as strontium?

No, Strontium is an alkaline earth metal which exists in solid state.

What is the 36 element in the periodic table?

Krypton is the 36 th element in the periodic table. It is a noble gas belonging to 4th period of the periodic table.

Find the name of the element that has 36 protons in the periodic table?

36 protons = atomic number 36 = noble gas Krypton Kr

What noble gas is isoelectronic with a selenide ion?

Krypton and selenide ion are isoelectronic with 36 electrons each

What noble gas has the same Lewis structure as Se2-?

Krypton and Selenide ion have 36 electrons and are isoelectronic

Which element is the least reactive in period 4?

Noble gasses are least reactive of all the elements. So the least reactive element in the period 4 is Krypton. It is a noble gas with an atomic number of 36.

What does the element kryptonite composed of?

krpytonite is not an element! it is a made up element in Superman universe. A real element that has a similar name is the element Krypton. It is the 36th element . It is a noble gas. it is made up of 36 protons, and 36 electrons with an average of 48 neutrons. Just like any other element, it is made up of a different # of protons and neutrons with electrons floating somewhere around the nucleus. The # of protons in a nucleus is what makes the differences between elements.

How many atoms does krypton have?

Neutral atoms have the same number of electrons as protons. Therefore, the number of electrons in any atom of one element is the same as its atomic number on the periodic table. Krypton is number 36, so it has 36 electrons total.As a noble gas, it has 8 outer-shell (valence) electrons.

Is kyrpton a compound?

Krypton is an element not a compound. It is a noble gas (group 0) and has atomic number 36. It is a very stable and unreactive element.