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Astatine is similar to the halogen family

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Iodine, another halogen.

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Q: What element is most similar to astatine?
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Related questions

How is astatine produced what element is it most similar to?

Astatine is produced by nuclear reactions.

What element is astatine more similar to?


What type of element is astatine?

Astatine is an element with the symbol At.

How is astatine producedwhat element is it most similar to?

Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element touted to be approximated 30gm in whole of earth. This is due to its short half life of 8.3hrs. It can be prepared by bombarding alpha particles onto bismuth. It is a halogen and hence has been thought to be similar to iodine but more metallic.

What is astatine?

The color of the element astatine is unknown.

Is astatine found most commonly as an element?

no, it is most commonly found as a compound

Is astatine a pure mineral?

Astatine is not a mineral but a chemical element. Astatine can be obtained as a pure element but in extremely small quantities.

What is the rarest element on earth?

In the earth Astatine is rarest naturally occurring element, less than 30 grams for entire crust.

Is astatine bad?

As a radioactive element with a short half life astatine is dangerous.

What element has a electron of 85?

The element with the atomic number 85 is Astatine (At). Astatine is a Radioactive Halogen in Group 17(7) of the Periodic Table. Astatine has 85 electrons in 6 shells with 7 electrons in the outer shell. Astatine is the third radioactive element on the Periodic Table.

Is astatine an example of radioactive element?

Yes. There are no stable isotopes of astatine, they are all radioactive.

A slogan for the element astatine?

"Astatine is really rare. Attempt to find some if you dare."