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Boron is the only semi-metal (metalloid) in period 2.

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Q: What element is the only semi metal in period 2?
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Arsenic is a semi-metal. It has both metallic and non-metallic properties, making it suitable for this category. Gold, titanium, and xenon are not considered semi-metals.

Is the element boron a metal or non metal?

Boron is a metalloid, which means it has properties of both metals and non-metals. It displays characteristics of both categories, such as being a good conductor of electricity but also brittle and lacking luster like non-metals.

Is gallium a metal nonmetal?

Gallium is a metal. It is next to germanium, a semi-metal.

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Metals, non-metals, and metalloids

Is Sn a metal or a nonmetal or a semimetal in the periodic table of elements?

Sn (Tin) is a metal on the periodic table of elements. It is a post-transition metal with properties similar to other metals like being malleable and conducting electricity.

Is titanium a metal a nonmetal or semi metal?

Titanium is a metal. It is a strong, lightweight metal with excellent corrosion resistance, making it valuable for a wide range of applications from aerospace to medical implants.

Is boron a metal or semi metal?

Boron is classified as a metalloid or semi-metal. It has properties that are between those of metals and nonmetals.

Is arsenic a semi-metal?

It is a semi-metal. (: Your welcome

Is the element Sb an alkali metal?

No, the element antimony is a member of group 15 with nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and bismuth. It is a semi-metal. You may be thinking of Sr, strontium, which is a highly reactive member of the alkali metals.

Is neon a metal non metal or semi metal?

Neon is a noble gas, which is a type of non-metal. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless in its gas state and is known for its stability and lack of reactivity.