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my aas is burning and lightining struck it

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Q: What element is the strongest fire or lightning?
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Who is stronger fire or lighting?

There is a 5th element that not much people put into thought and that is Lightning. Out of the other 4, wind is strongest yet there is nothing that can affect lightning. It can crack the Earth, water and slice through wind. Fire has no affect on it nor lighting on fire but Lightning is the strongest element.

Is lightning an element?

Lightning is a mythical element as in earth air fire water and the such. But an actual scientific element? No. Lightning isn't even matter. It is energy moving from atom to atom

What an important element necessary for a muck fire to burn?

i think lightning

What element is taco?

Its a combination of Earth, wind, and lightning. Fire is also debatable.

What element is not non electrolyte?

Earth, water, fire, air... actually I think the only electrolyte element is lightning. ;-)

What is a fire type in fossil fighters?

A fire type is a element - strongest against earth - weakest against water

Best combo element in ninja saga?

Fire for Offense+Lightning for critical hits=really good attack power

Is diamond the strongest element?

Diamond is a form of carbon, not an element. While diamond is one of the hardest naturally occurring materials, it is not the strongest overall. Materials like graphene and carbon nanotubes have higher tensile strength than diamond.

I thought it was wind but out of wind water fire and earth Which of the 4 element is the strongest?

fire is not the strongest because any thing can take it out water wind and earth, water is not the strongest because it can evaporate and it can be stopped at any cost. earth is definatly not the strongest because water can carve it, fire can melt it if hot enough, and it can't do anything about the wind. so therefoer wind is the strongest because it blows fire away, without wind water would be nothing, and if earth did'nt have wind everything would be hot and destroyed by fire. so wind is the most dominant

Is polonium the strongest element?

It is certainly a rare and highly radioactive element. To say it is the "strongest" might be a bit much.

Is lightning a element?

Normally it is not regarded to be one of the four cardinal 'mythical' or 'magical' elements. Those spots are taken by fire, air, water and earth.If you are talking about a scientific element like magnesium or sodium, lightning is not an element.Concerning the mythical elements however, it's really your own personal preference. I personally deem lightning as an element and simply make them five elements.Finally, I believe there is (don't quote me on this) an ancient Chinese element pentagram that contains Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal. Once again lightning is excluded.I suppose that overall to answer your question simply it is not an element.Hope this helped.(And yes, my name is deliberately wrong)

Which is the best Pokemon to start with?

Fire always turns out to be strongest. Fire always turns out to be strongest.