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S- sulfur

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Q: What element may form a compound with caxo4?
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Is an iron nail a element compound or mixture?

in its pure form, iron is an element, but that may not be what you are referring to.... if you have iron oxide (rust), this is a compound of iron and oxygen.

Is an iron filings an element or a compound?

Iron is a chemical element; sand may be a compound or a mixture.

Which pair of elements will most readily form a compound?

Elements that are close to each other in the periodic table are more likely to readily form compounds. For example, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) readily form the compound sodium chloride (NaCl) because they are adjacent to each other in the same period.

Atoms are the smallest particles of a compound that still retain the properties of that compound?

The atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains it's characteristics. Sub-atomic particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons form the atom and it is the amount of each of these sub-atomic particles that make the element that element.

Is AR a compound?

No. If it is written Ar, it is the element Argon. If not, it may be the acronym for a longer-named compound, but it cannot be a chemical formula.

Either an element or a compound may be referred to as?


What are common compounds found in Meitnerium?

Meitnerium is a synthetic element, so it does not naturally occur in compounds in the environment. However, it could potentially form compounds with elements like oxygen, fluorine, or chlorine due to its position in the periodic table. These compounds would be highly unstable and only exist in a laboratory setting.

Is iron a compound mixture element?

Iron is an element, and is the heaviest element that may be made by fusion in a Star such as our Sun.

What may be either a single element or a compound of elements?


Why is carbon considered to be an element but carbon dioxide is classified as a compound?

Carbon is considered an element because it consists of only one type of atom, which is carbon. On the other hand, carbon dioxide is classified as a compound because it is made up of different types of atoms—carbon and oxygen. A compound is a substance made of two or more different elements chemically combined.

Atoms may combine to form an?

To form a compound.

Is compound solid?

A solid may be an element (iron), a compound (iron oxide), a mixture (iron ore).