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Gold does not react with water or steam.

i wouldn't totally agree with the above statment. There are 5 metals which don't not just 1...these are:






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18h ago

Sodium is an element that reacts with steam to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas, but does not react with cold water.

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13y ago

Metals like Zinc and Iron do not react with cold water but react with steam.

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13y ago

the metals which are bellow hydrogen in the metal activity series cannot react with cold water or steam

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8y ago

Magnesium react better with steam.

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Henry Parker

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4y ago


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Q: What element react with steam and not with cold water?
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Which metals react slowly with cold water but vigorously with steam?

Iron, magnesium, and zinc are examples of metals that react slowly with cold water but vigorously with steam. When these metals react with steam, they undergo a displacement reaction with water to form metal oxides and hydrogen gas.

Why does zinc react with steam and cold water?

Zinc does react with cold water - it just does so very slowly. Steam is water that is very hot and thus as with any chemical reaction, the heat gives the molecules more energy and so they react faster.

Why does zinc react with steam and not cold water?

Zinc reacts with steam to form zinc oxide and hydrogen gas because steam provides the necessary heat to initiate the reaction. Cold water does not provide enough energy to break the bonds in the zinc and water molecules for the reaction to occur.

What metal does not react with cold water but reacts with steam when heated?

Iron and Zinc

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Aluminum will not react with water at normal temperatures. Increase the temperature greatly, and just about any two things will react, though.

Is zinc unreactive to water?

Zinc is unreactive to cold water, but will react with steam to give zinc oxide and hydrogen.

Will there be a reaction between zinc and water?

Zinc reacts with steam to form Zinc oxide(yellow when hot and white when cold) and hydrogen. Zn+H2O=ZnO +H2

How do alkali metals react to cold water?

alkali metals react violently in cold water

What reaction do you receive when mix potassium magnesium manganese and water?

When potassium, magnesium, and manganese are mixed with water separately, they will undergo different chemical reactions. Potassium will react vigorously with water, magnesium will react slowly to produce magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas, while manganese will not react with water under normal conditions.

What element react with cold water and an word equation for the reaction?

Alkali metals, for example: 2Me + 2H2O = 2MeOH + H2 Me is the metal

When steam becomes cold it is?


What is the steps for crushing can in cold water?

You have to fill the can with steam and then seal it closed. when you then put the can in cold water the steam will condense into water and the can will be crushed by atmospheric pressure.