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Q: What element used as metal in domestic light bulb?
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What metal element is in a light bulb?


What element are light bulb filaments made out of?

Tungsten, a metal with a very high melting-point.

What is the function of the metal casing and tip of a bulb?

The metal casing of a bulb provides structural support and acts as a heat sink to dissipate heat generated by the bulb during operation. The metal tip is the electrical contact point for the bulb, allowing electricity to flow into the bulb and power the light-emitting element inside.

Will a light bulb light if its metal tip rests on metal casing?

No, a light bulb will not light if its metal tip rests on a metal casing. The metal tip of the light bulb needs to be connected to the electrical circuit in order for it to light up. Resting on metal casing would not provide this connection.

What is the metal in domestic light bulbs?

The metal used in domestic light bulbs is typically tungsten. Tungsten has a high melting point and is able to withstand the high temperatures generated by the electric current passing through it, making it ideal for use in light bulb filaments.

What elements light up a light bulb?

argon is an element that make up a light bulb

How many atoms are in the light bulb?

A typical light bulb contains billions of atoms. Different elements make up the various components of a light bulb, such as the filament, glass, and metal base, with each element contributing a specific number of atoms to the overall structure.

What element is in an incondescent light bulb filament?

The filament in an incandescent light bulb is typically made of tungsten. Tungsten is a metal with a high melting point that allows it to produce light and heat when an electric current passes through it.

Why is he light bulb called a light bulb?

A light bulb is named due to it being a bulb-shaped glass object containing a glowing element.

What elementes make up a light bulb?

argon is an element that make up a light bulb

Where is the metal tip on the light bulb?

The metal tip of a light bulb is located at the base where the bulb connects to the socket. It is usually made of brass or another conductive material to allow electricity to flow into the bulb.

What air is in a light bulb?

the basically unreactive gas argon (element) is in a light bulb to prevent the tungsten (element) filament from coming into contact with oxygen (element) and getting oxygenated.