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Elements discovered by Berkeley Lab physicists include astatine, neptunium, plutonium, curium, americium, berkelium*, californium*, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, nobelium, lawrencium*, dubnium, and seaborgium*.

Those elements listed with asterisks (*) are named after the University, Professors Lawrence and Seaborg.

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Q: What element was named by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory?
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What are the names of the elements that have atomic numbers of 114 and 116?

Element 114 is named as FLEROVIUM and 116 as LIVERMORIUMThey are named in honour of Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Who named the elements of the periodic table?

Many different scientists actually. For example, Einsteinium was named by Albert Ghiorso and fellow co-workers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. There was a lot of controversy over naming the element Rutherfordium. See the related link. No, dude. Einsteinium was named by Albert EINSTEIN. (Hence the name EINSTEINium.)

Who Cf in the periodic table named after?

Californium (Cf) is named after California, the American State. This is because the element was synthesized at the University of California, Berkeley.

Who discovered the element Californrinum when and were?

Californium is a radioactive element that is not found naturally under 'normal' circumstances. It was created in a laboratory in University of California, Berkeley by physicists Stanley G. Thompson, Albert Ghiorso, Kenneth Street Jr. and Glenn T. Seaborg in March 17 of 1950. It was named Californium because of the place of discovery.

What elements on the periodic table are named after discoverer?

Offhand I can't think of any that are directly named after their discoverer personally. There are several named after scientists (curium, einsteinium, seaborgium, mendelevium, etc.), but those scientists did not discover these particular elements (Seaborg discovered, or at least participated in the discovery of, several elements, but seaborgium was not one of them; likewise for Curie and curium; Einstein didn't discover any elements). There are some named after countries: francium and polonium were named after France and Poland... the countries where their discoverer, Marie Curie, was living and was born respectively. Finally, there are at least two named after an employer: californium and berkelium were named by a team working at the University of California - Berkeley. ("At least" because while lawrencium is supposedly named after Ernest O. Lawrence, it was discovered at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, which was ALSO named after Ernest O. Lawrence, making it a bit ambiguous.)

Related questions

What element is named for a university on the west coast in the US?

Both Berkelium and Californium were named after the University of California, Berkeley. Those elements (and several others) were discovered at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which is managed and operated by the university.

What element was named after Berkeley?

Elements discovered by Berkeley Laboratory physicists include astatine, neptunium, plutonium, curium, americium, berkelium, californium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, nobelium, lawrencium, dubnium, and seaborgium.Berkelium and Californium are named for the University (city) and the state.The elements Lawrencium and Seaborgium are named after Professors Lawrence and Seaborg

What elements were named for a university on the west coast of the U.S.?

The 98th element on the periodic table is known as Californium (Cf). It was first made in 1950 at the University of California Radiation Laboratory, in Berkeley. The 97th element on the periodic table was also named after it's original production site. Berkelium (Bk) was discovered in 1949, also at the University of California Radiation Laboratory, in Berkeley.

What element is named after state of California?

That element is Berkelium, symbol "Bk" and atomic number 97, a radioactive element in the heavy "actonoid" series. Berkelium is named after the Californian university town of Berkeley where it was first synthesized. Scientists at the University of California's Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (simply known as "Berkeley Lab") first synthesized Berkelium in 1949. They created it by bombarding a small piece of Americium ("Am" atomic number 95) with alpha particles within a cyclotron.

What are the names of the elements that have atomic numbers of 114 and 116?

Element 114 is named as FLEROVIUM and 116 as LIVERMORIUMThey are named in honour of Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

What 4 elements were named after the university of Berkeley?

Berkelium and Californium are named for the University (city) of Berkeley and the state.The elements Lawrencium and Seaborgium are named after professors Ernest Lawrence and Glenn Seaborg.

Where is berkelium named after?

The name berkelium id derived from Berkeley Laboratory, University of California.

Who was berkelium named after?

The name berkelium id derived from Berkeley Laboratory, University of California.

Who named the elements of the periodic table?

Many different scientists actually. For example, Einsteinium was named by Albert Ghiorso and fellow co-workers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. There was a lot of controversy over naming the element Rutherfordium. See the related link. No, dude. Einsteinium was named by Albert EINSTEIN. (Hence the name EINSTEINium.)

What element was named after EC Lawrence who made the first cyclotron?

Lawrencium was named after E.C. Lawrence.

What is the element named for a city in the US?

Berkelium has been named after Berkeley,CA

What city in California was named after berkelium?

The name berkelium id derived from Berkeley Laboratory, University of California.