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any element that is a non metal will do

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Q: What element when combined with fluorine would most likely from an ionic compound?
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Which element when combined with fluorine would most likely from an ionic compound?

The single "most likely" element that would form an ionic compound with fluorine is cesium, or possibly francium if enough of it could be collected. This is because cesium, among stable elements, has the lowest electronegativity and fluorine has the highest electronegativity. However, any alkali or alkaline earth metal element in fact readily forms an ionic compound with fluorine, as do many other metals.

Which element when combined with fluorine would most likely form an ionic compound?

An element such as sodium, which readily gives up an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, would likely form an ionic compound with fluorine. Sodium would form a sodium cation (Na+) and fluorine would form a fluoride anion (F-), creating an ionic bond between the two elements.

Which element when combined with fluorine most likely form an ionic compound?

Sodium is a likely candidate to form an ionic compound with fluorine because sodium is a metal with 1 valence electron, while fluorine is a non-metal with 7 valence electrons. When sodium loses its electron and fluorine gains it, an ionic bond is formed between the two elements.

Is a ionic compound likely to form between fluorine and chlorine why or why not?

No, they form a covalent compound because there is not a great enough difference in electronegativity for one element to completely pull the electrons away from the other.

Which element when combined with fluorine would most likely form an ionic?

Metals of group 3,2&1 but most efficiently the group 1 metals b'coz of their large eletronegetivity diff. With fluorine which faciliates them to form ionic bond.

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Which element when combined with fluorine would most likely form an ionic compound?

An element such as sodium, which readily gives up an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, would likely form an ionic compound with fluorine. Sodium would form a sodium cation (Na+) and fluorine would form a fluoride anion (F-), creating an ionic bond between the two elements.

Which element when combined with fluorine would most likely from an ionic compound?

The single "most likely" element that would form an ionic compound with fluorine is cesium, or possibly francium if enough of it could be collected. This is because cesium, among stable elements, has the lowest electronegativity and fluorine has the highest electronegativity. However, any alkali or alkaline earth metal element in fact readily forms an ionic compound with fluorine, as do many other metals.

Which element when combined with fluorine most likely form an ionic compound?

Sodium is a likely candidate to form an ionic compound with fluorine because sodium is a metal with 1 valence electron, while fluorine is a non-metal with 7 valence electrons. When sodium loses its electron and fluorine gains it, an ionic bond is formed between the two elements.

What element is most likely to form an ionic compound with Ba?

Chlorine (Cl) is the most likely element to form an ionic compound with barium (Ba) due to their opposite charges and high reactivity. Barium typically forms Ba2+ ions, while chlorine forms Cl- ions, allowing them to easily combine to form BaCl2.

Which element in group 18 is most likely to form a compound with fluorine?

Krypton (Kr) is the element in group 18 that is most likely to form a compound with fluorine. It can form compounds like KrF2 under extreme conditions.

Is a ionic compound likely to form between fluorine and chlorine why or why not?

No, they form a covalent compound because there is not a great enough difference in electronegativity for one element to completely pull the electrons away from the other.

Is a ionic compound likely to form between fluorine and chlorine?


Which element when combined with fluorine would most likely form an ionic?

Metals of group 3,2&1 but most efficiently the group 1 metals b'coz of their large eletronegetivity diff. With fluorine which faciliates them to form ionic bond.

Is a ionic compound likely to form between fluorine and carbon?

It is unlikely for an ionic compound to form between fluorine and carbon because both elements are nonmetals with similar electronegativities. It is more common for covalent compounds to form between nonmetals like fluorine and carbon.

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