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The elements Al, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Dy, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Mn, Na, Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, U, V, Yb, Zn and Zr were determined found in16 samples of pumice lumps from excavations. There are possibly more elements that have not been found.

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Q: What elements are found in pumice?
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Related questions

What can pumice be found after?

Pumice is found after volcanic eruptions producing lava.

Pumice can be found after?

Pumice can be found after volcanic eruptions, as it is formed when lava with high water and gas content is rapidly cooled and solidified. The resulting porous rock floats on water due to its low density and is often found washed up on beaches or shores.

What country is pumice found in?

it is found worldwide

Is pumice found in the US?

Yes, pumice can be found in the US, mainly in western states with active volcanic activity such as Oregon, California, and Nevada. Pumice is a lightweight volcanic rock formed from frothy lava with trapped gas bubbles.

In what part of the world is pumice found?


What countries can pumice be found in?

san marino

Where is pumice location?

Pumice is usually found around the shore of beaches and rivers, due to the lightness in weight.

Why doesn't pumice react with acid rain?

Pumice is a highly porous and lightweight volcanic rock formed from solidified foamy lava, making it resistant to chemical reactions. The air holes in pumice prevent the acid rain from making direct contact with the rock's surface, limiting the reaction with the acid. Additionally, pumice contains minerals such as silica and alumina that are relatively inert and do not readily react with acids.

Were is pumice found?

Large amounts of pumice are found in Italy, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Canada, and parts of the United States, especially the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast states. In many of these locations, pumice is mined to be sold for a variety of uses.

What types of material culture were found at pompeii?

Pumice is one of them

Were are pumice rocks found?

In areas of past or present explosive felsic volcanism

What are the names of the minerals that make pumice?

Pumice is primarily composed of the minerals feldspar and quartz, along with small amounts of other minerals such as hornblende, augite, and magnetite. The high silica content of these minerals contributes to the characteristic light and porous nature of pumice.