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anything past bismuth and 2 elements in middle (promethium and another I don't remember). some researchers believe bismuth is also naturally radioactive, but with a half-life longer than the age of the universe.

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Q: What elements are radioactive in their most common form?
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Why are most elements radioactive?

Most of the natural occurring (isotopes of) elements are NOT radioactive.Though most of all the known isotopes are radioactive but most of them do NOT naturally occur.

What do the first 82 elements in the periodic table have in common?

The first 82 elements are all stable and not radioactive, except for technetium and promethium. Most elements after 82 are unstable.

Do radioactive elements have ions?

Most of them do. Radon probably does not.

What are radioactive elements on the periodic table?

In general, the elements with higher atomic numbers are the most radioactive and they are found at the bottom of the Periodic Table of Elements

What is the most radioactive of the halogen elements?

1. astatine is a halogen that is radioactive.

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Group 3 of the periodic table contains many of the radioactive elements.

What element is the most radioactive lithium sodium or potassium?

All the three elements are generally non-radioactive.

How radioactive is hydrogen?

Hydrogen is not radioactive; its two most common isotopes are stable.

Elements after which element are radioactive?

The atoms that are radioactive are those with unstable nuclei. There is no easy way to tell which is which, so the isotope has to be looked up. All elements have at least some radioactive isotopes. There are 36 elements for which all radioactive isotopes are synthetic or fission products, so for practical purposes, there are no radioactive isotopes of them in nature, except where introduced by human activity. They include most of the common elements we find in nature, but not all. There are 44 elements that are found as stable isotopes, but at least traces of radioactive isotopes are found in nature. Among these are hydrogen, carbon, sodium, silicon, chlorine, and potassium, all of which are necessary for life. Radioactive potassium, in particular, is present as 0.012% of all potassium. For another group of elements, including technetium, promethium, and all with atomic numbers of 83 (bismuth) or more, there is no isotope that is stable.

What is the name of the series which contains most of the synthetic and radioactive elements?

All of the actinides are radioactive, and almost all are synthetic.

Gas giants have atmospheres composed of what and what?

Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.

What are the atomic numbers 81-100?

Elements 89-100 are the Actinide series of elements, most of which are radioactive, and some of which can only be made artificially. Elements 81-88 are also likely to be radioactive, but are naturally occurring.