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As the heaviest group 9 element it would be expected to have a similar chemistry to iridium.

The metal would be very corrosion resistant. It would form a wealth of compounds and exhibit multiple oxixdation numbers, perhaps with for example fluorides, MtF3, MtF4, MtF5, MtF6, and form oxides such as MtO2, and form Meitnerates such as KMtO3

Bear in mind that with a Meitnerium half life of 7 seconds these compounds would be interesting to prepare and characterise!

See link for iridium overview for clues to some more possibilities.

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1mo ago

Meitnerium is a synthetic and highly radioactive element, making it difficult to study its chemical properties. Based on its position in the Periodic Table, it is predicted to have similarities to other elements in the same group, such as iridium and platinum. Meitnerium is likely to form chemical bonds with other elements through covalent bonds due to its metallic properties.

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Q: What elements does the element meitnerium could bond with?
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What is the likelihood of an element to bond is called?

The likelihood of an element to bond is called its electronegativity. This property is a measure of an element's ability to attract and share electrons with other atoms in a chemical bond. Elements with higher electronegativities are more likely to form bonds with other elements.

What type of chemical bond between an atom of element A and atomk of element Q?

The type of chemical bond between an atom of element A and an atom of element Q could be either an ionic bond or a covalent bond, depending on the electronegativity difference between the two elements. If the electronegativity difference is large, an ionic bond may form where one element gives up an electron to the other. If the electronegativity difference is small, a covalent bond may form where the electrons are shared between the two atoms.

How can you use oxidation numbers to predict what an element will bond with?

Oxidation numbers can help predict the way an element will bond by indicating the charge an element is likely to obtain when forming a compound. Elements tend to bond in a way that results in achieving a more stable oxidation state, such as by gaining or losing electrons to achieve a full valence shell. By knowing the possible oxidation states of an element, one can anticipate how it will bond with other elements to achieve a balanced charge in a compound.

What elements have complete outer energy levels and will bond with any other element?

Noble gases have complete outer energy levels and typically do not bond with other elements due to their stable configuration.

What element is a polar covalent bond?

The element that typically forms a polar covalent bond is oxygen. This is because oxygen has a strong electronegativity, causing it to attract electrons more strongly than other elements, resulting in an uneven sharing of electrons in covalent bonds with less electronegative elements.

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Who does meitnerium bond with?

The chemistry of meitnerium is not known; probably is not a reactive metal, being similar to iridium.

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no they can bond with any other element

What is the likelihood of an element to bond is called?

The likelihood of an element to bond is called its electronegativity. This property is a measure of an element's ability to attract and share electrons with other atoms in a chemical bond. Elements with higher electronegativities are more likely to form bonds with other elements.

Is oxygen a molecule or an atom?

oxygen is an element on the Periodic Table of elements. This means that oxygen is an atom which could bond with another element covalently to form a molecule

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Almost every other element except the elements in group 18 bond with oxygen to form compounds.

What element do in a reaction?

What do elements do in a reaction? A: The elements that are present form a chemical bond. This happens because of the fact that the elements that are present to form such combine together to make the chemical bond.

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When two or more elements bond, they form a compound. The elements share, gain, or lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. The bond can be ionic, where one element donates electrons to another, or covalent, where they share electrons. Bonding allows elements to combine and create new substances with unique properties.

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Titanium is an element (Ti), not a chemical bond. It can from chemical bonds with other elements that can react with it

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All of the metallic elements will form an ionic bond with fluorine.

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depends on what elements your trying to bond. Oxygen and what?

What type of chemical bond between an atom of element A and atomk of element Q?

The type of chemical bond between an atom of element A and an atom of element Q could be either an ionic bond or a covalent bond, depending on the electronegativity difference between the two elements. If the electronegativity difference is large, an ionic bond may form where one element gives up an electron to the other. If the electronegativity difference is small, a covalent bond may form where the electrons are shared between the two atoms.

How can you use oxidation numbers to predict what an element will bond with?

Oxidation numbers can help predict the way an element will bond by indicating the charge an element is likely to obtain when forming a compound. Elements tend to bond in a way that results in achieving a more stable oxidation state, such as by gaining or losing electrons to achieve a full valence shell. By knowing the possible oxidation states of an element, one can anticipate how it will bond with other elements to achieve a balanced charge in a compound.