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Very many elements have no latin name as the Romans did not know of them - the only ones they knew were ones that occured as elements in nature, such as gold, or were ones that were manufactured/purified, such as some metals. Examples that do exist - Antimony-Stibium-Sb Copper-Cuprum-Cu Gold-Aurum-Au Silver-Argentum-Ag

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Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) get their names from Greek, not Latin, sources. As does Lithium (Li), except that it has a Latin suffix.

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Q: What elements have symbols not directly derived from a Latin name?
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Why elements have different symbols?

Sometimes symbols are derived from the latin or greek name of the elements Sodium Latin: Natrium Symbol: Na

How are chemical symbols of elements formed?

Chemical symbols are derived from Latin words for the chemicals.

Where are the elements symbol derived?

The elemental symbols used in chemistry are derived from several sources. Some symbols are based on the Latin or Greek names of the elements. For example, the symbol for gold (Au) comes from the Latin word "aurum." Other symbols are derived from the English names of elements, such as the symbol for hydrogen (H). Additionally, some symbols are derived from the discoverer's name or a common property of the element.

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The chemical symbols are approved by IUPAC; symbols are derived from the name of the chemical element in Latin, frequently the first two letters.

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Elements don't have formula they have symbols, Symbol for iron is Fe. It is derived from iron's Latin name Ferrum.

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How are the letters in a Periodic Table chosen?

some elements have their symbols directly from their names. Eg: oxygen-O,nitrogen-N some get symbols from their latin names. eg: Potassium-K from Kalium (Latin for potassium)

Who discovered the symbols of the elements?

No one discovered the symbols of animals.The symbols of the elements came from their Latin word like the element gold .It`s Latin name is Aurum.So it`s symbol is Au.

What is latin name for Cornelius?

Cornelius is a latin name. There is no variant, it is derived directly.

Why do the symbols for some elements such iron seem to have no relationship to their name?

The symbols of such elements are based on their Latin names. For example, the symbol Fe for iron comes from the Latin ferrum, meaning iron.

Why is that sometimes an element symbol is not the first letter of its name?

Some of the chemical symbols are derived from element names in foreign languages, especially Latin.

Why elements symbols are not always the first letter in their name in periodic table?

Most elements have symbols from the Latin or Greek language. Often synthetic Latin or Greek words as the element was not known to them. It is usually chance that the symbols correspond to English.