

What elements repel magnetic field?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What elements repel magnetic field?
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Why diamagnetic molecule repel magnetic field?

Diamagnetic molecules repel magnetic field as they have paired electrons whose magnetic moments have been canceled due to opposite spins.

Can magnets also repel metal?

No, magnets cannot repel metal. To repel something with a magnet it would have to have a magnetic field.

Why is it that 2 parallel wires carrying currents in opposite directions repel each other?

two wires carrying currents in opposite direction repel each other because the magnetic field between the wires is strong than on the sides of the wires.wires will move towards the weaker magnetic field from stronger field

What is the half life of the earth's magnetic field?

Magnetic field doesnot have a half life. Elements have half life.

Is magnetic at the top of the earth?

No. Remember that like poles repel. What we call the Earth's north is actually the south pole of the Earth's magnetic field.

Why does a compost attract to a north magnetic and repel by the south?

OK- first, it is a compass. The needle of a compass is a magnet. It points to the Eath's Magnetic Poles- the two spots where the Earth's magnetic field comes out of the ground. In magnetism, opposites attract, likes repel.

Is magnetic north at the top of the earth?

No. Remember that like poles repel. What we call the Earth's north is actually the south pole of the Earth's magnetic field.

What is the area around a magnet that has the force of magnetism called?

The magnetic field surrounds the magnet. The lines of magnetic force repel each other, ultimately forming a sphere of decreasing strength.

Is it true or false that an electric charge creates a magnetic field?

Opposites attract, like charges repel each other.

Why like charge repel and unlike charge attract?

Like charges repel because they have the same magnetic fields to eachother on the same side, and different sides attract because they each have a different magnetic field from one another.

How is magnetic field considered to be a push or a pull?

The field itself is not a push or a pull, it depends on the polarity of each object. A magnetic north pole attracts (pulls) a magnetic south pole and vice versa, but like poles repel (push).

How is a magnetic field considered to be a push or pull?

The field itself is not a push or a pull, it depends on the polarity of each object. A magnetic north pole attracts (pulls) a magnetic south pole and vice versa, but like poles repel (push).