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Q: What elements will have a similar chemical reactivity as sodium?
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Which elements would you expect to have chemical behavior similar to that of sodium?

I would expect all elements in group 1 to have similar chemical behavior to that of sodium, except for hydrogen. Hydrogen is not a metal, but has only 1 valence electron like the other elements in group 1.

Are sodium and francium elements or compounds?

Sodium and francium are chemical elements.

What is sodium's chemical reactivity with water?

It reacr very violently.NaOH and H2 is given out

Sodium and potassium show similar reactivity towards water What property do these elements possess in common?

They each have one valence electron in the outermost shell (or "orbital"). All the elements in Group 1 have this trait.

A sodium atom readily loses an electron in a chemical reaction What does this indicate about sodium's ability to form solutions?

high reactivity

Na chemical symbils for what elements?

Na is the chemical symbol for the element sodium.

How is chlorine and sodium?

Chlorine and sodium are natural chemical elements.

What elements on the poeriodic table tend to have similar physical and chemical properties?

Both elements, sodium (Na) and potassium (K) lie in the Group 1 column of the Periodic Table , which contains the members of the Alkali Metals family. Members within a family, or column, of elements tend to have similar chemical properties.

Is bromine with sodium a chemical or physical property?

Sodium and bromine are chemical elements, not properties; the chemical reaction between sodium and bromine is a chemical process, not a property.

Do the elements potassium and sodium have similar chemical properties?

Yes, in general they do. Potassium is a bit more reactive than sodium, but qualitatively they're quite similar. This is because they both have one outer s electron.

Why do th elements potassium and sodium have similar chemical and physical properties?

Because they are adjacent members of the same periodic table column.

Which column belongs water and sodium chloride?

Water and sodium chloride are chemical compounds not chemical elements.