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similar chemical properties and characteristics

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Waldo Mayer

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Q: What elements within a family tend to share?
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What do elements with in a family tend to share?

similar chemical properties and characteristics

The elements within a group tend to share?

similar chemical properties and characteristics

What element family do atoms tend to share electrons in chemical bonds?

halogen family

What elements on the poeriodic table tend to have similar physical and chemical properties?

Both elements, sodium (Na) and potassium (K) lie in the Group 1 column of the Periodic Table , which contains the members of the Alkali Metals family. Members within a family, or column, of elements tend to have similar chemical properties.

What chemical family do atoms tend to share electrons in chemical bonds?


Why does the elements of family 18 do not tend to form chemical reactions?

Because all the atoms of these elements in Family 18 have filled outermost energy levels.

Which elements tend to share electrons in chemical bonds?

Nonmetals typically share electrons in chemical bonds in order to achieve a stable octet configuration in their outermost energy level. This sharing of electrons allows both atoms involved in the bond to reach a more stable, lower energy state. Examples of elements that commonly share electrons in bonds include oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon.

What is a family or group of elements?

its the elements in a vertical column and they tend to have similar properties (related)

Elements that are in a vertical column in the periodic table that tend to share similar chemical properties and characteristics are called a?

The vertical elements are called groups. They have similar chemical properties.

Which of the general statements below is true about main group group A elements?

Main group elements within a column tend to gain or lose the same number of electrons................A+

Why are elements in the same vertical column sometimes called famillies?

They tend to have similar properties. And since they're similar, they're like a family.

Which best explains the bonding behavior of the family of elements in the Periodic table called metals?

Metals tend to form bonds by gaining electrons.