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Because the members of a group have the same number of valence electrons.

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Q: Why do elements in the same family share similar bonding properties?
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Why elements in the same family of periodic table have similar bonding properties?

Due to valency electron in the orbital in different element shows different bonding property.

Elements in the same family have similar what?

Elements in the same family-assuming family means classifications such as non-metals, metals-have similar properties.

What do element in an element family have similar?

Elements in the same family, or group, have similar physical and chemical properties.

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What can be said about combining capacity of elements within a family in chemistry?

Elements from a family have similar chemical properties.

Elements in a have similar chemical properties?

a group of elements that have similar properties are arranged one on top of the other on the periodic table. These groups are also called families

Why do atoms within the same family have similar chemical properties?

The reason for similar properties among the elements is due to the resemblance in the electronic configuration of all the elements of a family. For example :- Each element of Alkali metals family has 1 electron in their outermost shell. Hence, they all have similar properties

What elements within a family tend to share?

similar chemical properties and characteristics

What elements on the poeriodic table tend to have similar physical and chemical properties?

Both elements, sodium (Na) and potassium (K) lie in the Group 1 column of the Periodic Table , which contains the members of the Alkali Metals family. Members within a family, or column, of elements tend to have similar chemical properties.

In the periodic table elements in the same column have?

Elements in the same column have similar chemical properties. They are from the same family.

What are elements with the same number if valence electrons and similar chemical properties?

those elements are in the same 'family' or 'group'