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What else... other than what? - Two things they avoid is (1) working on Saturdays, and (2) eating meat. At least, I understand that many Adventists are vegetarians.

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Q: What else do some Seven-Day Adventists avoid?
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No. There is no requirement for Adventists to have beards. Cultural norms are usually followed in this area by Adventists around the world. It is true that in most pictures of the Adventist pioneers, the men have beards, but that is simply because wearing a beard was the cultural norm for men in the time and place in which the pioneers lived.

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Adventists don't eat some seafood because it is unclean, according to Leviticus 11. However, if a fish has fins and scales, Adventists can eat it since this is allowed in the Bible. However, since many Adventists are vegetarian they abstain from all seafood besides seaweed. Emerging science has revealed staggering amounts of mercury in fish of all types, strengthening the Adventists' reason to abstain from all flesh food.

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Some are vegetarians and others follow the dietary laws in Leviticus 11

Can Seventh-day Adventists marry interracially?

Individual Adventists may have quite different opinions on this topic, but there is no official church statement or doctrine that prohibits it. In some countries, interracial marriage may not be culturally appropriate, but that has nothing to do with the church's position.

Was Ellen White a prophet?

This question is a source of controversy. Many Seventh-day Adventists believe that she was. Others, including some Adventists, do not. She herself did not want faith in her to be a requirement for membership in the Adventist church (which it is not). There is evidence from her life, her writings, and her visions which is conclusive for many.

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Some do some don't it depends on the type of christian like SDA Christians (Seventh Day Adventists)

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You can't. If you sync with iTunes on another computer iTunes will force you to wipe the iPod.

What do Seventh-day Adventists do if they need blood?

They go to a blood bank or a hospital and they get a blood transfusion or receive blood by IV, just like anyone else. Seventh-day Adventists are not like Jehovah's Witnesses and certain other groups that believe that people should not give or receive blood. Some Adventist churches and schools actually stage blood drives, asking all of the members to (voluntarily) donate blood to save other peoples' lives.