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Q: What else might Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had he lived longer?
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How might the civil rights movement have evolved differently in the 1970s if Martin Luther King jr had lived?

Had Martin Luther King, Jr. lived, the Civil Rights movement may have had more success and would have likely been less violent.

What might martin Luther king accomplish if he was a president?

Speculation is pointless.

A might fortress is our god?

This is a Protestant hymn said to be written by Martin Luther.

Who started the Luthern Church?

Martin Luther started the Lutheran church as a kinda revolt from Catholicism I might be wrong about the revolt thong but it was because he left the roman catholic church hope I helped

Was Martin Luther King Jr a present?

I wonder if you mean to ask if Martin Luther King was a president. The answer to that is no. Martin Luther King Jr was a great civil rights leader but he was not a president. As for whether or not he was a 'present', considering all he did to help the civil rights movement, you might consider him a present, yes.

What was Martin Luther King Jr. named when he was born?

martin Luther King Jr was born Michael Luther King Jr but later changed his name to martin.Michael King Jr. the name Martin Luther King Jr. was born with. His father andand he changed their names to Martin Luther after the the famous Martin Luther ofthe Roman Catholic Church in the 1500's.

Did Martin Luther have depression?

There is no concrete evidence that Martin Luther had depression. However, he did experience periods of intense spiritual distress and inner turmoil, which have been interpreted by some scholars as potential signs of depression.

How did the Civil Rights movement effect your government?

Martin Luther King did so much for us that without him our world would not be what it is today. If it was not for Martin Luther King we probably wouldn't be as free as we are today. We might still be facing all the racial situations that they use to face when he was fighting for our freedom. Martin Luther King had a dream and he didn't let no one deter him from the dream he had. I'm so glad to just know about this man because in his lifetime he did so much to make things Right LOVE MARTIN LUTHER KING!!!!

What is the difference between martin Luther king JR and the one received by a medical doctor?

The difference between the two is that Martin King Luther Jr was a man who fighted for black (not to be discriminating) peoples rights. The one recieved by medical doctors MIGHT be a medicine or something like that.

What was Martin Luther King Jr favorite dance?

i dont think he really had a favorite dance but since that was back then...i think it might be the charlestone

What was the main goal of Martin Luther King Jr?

Martin Luther King speeches were mainly about his dream and how much he wanted to change the rights for all african americans.

How might martin Luther have felt about the calvanists theocracy in Geneva?

Martin Luther would likely have had mixed feelings about the Calvinist theocracy in Geneva. On one hand, Luther believed in the authority of secular rulers, so he may have appreciated the strict governance in Geneva. However, he also valued individual conscience and freedom, so he may have been uncomfortable with the level of control exerted by the Calvinists.