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the lines shaps and colors express Munchs emotional reaction to te surroundings

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12y ago

Type your answer here..angry,frustration, sorrow, confused

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Q: What emotions are shown in Edvard Munch 'the scream'?
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Emotion could be shown in tears and in tone

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Strong emotions or attitudes are usually shown using adjectives. For example, The girl is passionate about her studies.

Artwork that challenges the historical view of Mary?

Munch's "Madonna" represent the Virgin Mary in an unusual way. In the piece, the Virgin is shown nude, in the act of lovemaking, viewed as from her lover beneath her. In most works, she is shown fully clothed and pure, as she is considered a virgin.

Can Celiac Disease intensify positive emotions especially in children?

Celiac Disease has been shown to actually be linked to depression. But when treated it can obviously boost energy and make emotions much better in adults and children. I personally noticed a big difference in my emotions when I switched to a gluten free diet since I have Celiac myself.

Is there any scientific proof that those with narcissistic personality disorder have no emotions or no empathy?

MRIs have shown differences in activity in portions of the brain associated with empathy, as compared with non-narcissistic individuals. Narcissists have a fairly broad range of other emotions, but they are often shallow.

Should you fake emotions?

Some times you can't hide emotions even though we wish we all could. We have emotions for a reason, so other people know how we act about that etc.But if someone says I love you, your gonna be standing there with a face saying 'whatever' then they'll be really mad and sad.Emotions are ment to be shown even though they can be bad at times.-Lani

Do Gorilla like humans?

Gorillas don't shed tears as humans do, but studies have shown that they and other primates make vocalizations (especially when they are young) that express emotions, including sadness and fear.

What is the emotions that are shown between victor frankinstien and the monster?

Victor Frankenstein shows fear, regret, and guilt towards the monster, while the monster experiences loneliness, anger, and a desire for revenge towards Victor. Their relationship is complex and marked by a mix of negative emotions such as betrayal and resentment.

When is half time in Seussical Jr?

Usually half time, which is called intermission in theatre, is right after Monkey Around/Chasing the Whos, right after the whos scream. After intermission usually Horton is shown in a clover patch and then says his lines there.

Do gorillas cry like humans?

Gorillas don't shed tears as humans do, but studies have shown that they and other primates make vocalizations (especially when they are young) that express emotions, including sadness and fear.