

What ends dormancy of a seed?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Dormancy is poorly understood in terms of what causes it although it is likely that very many mechanisms exist, most of them probably chemical in nature. Some responsible compounds have been isolated, but in most cases, how they work is not understood. Breaking of dormancy is reasonably well understood in empirical terms. Things that are known to break dormancy include, particular cycles of wet and dry and/or heat and cold, exposure to one period above or below a certain temperature for a certain minimum period, exposure to certain chemicals (such as smoke), abrasion of the seed-coat (perhaps by being eaten but not digested). The list is considerable and particular seeds may require any one or more triggers to germinate.

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15y ago

a time period in which the seed will not germinate and is unreceptive to outside signals

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the right conditions : the availability of water and light to activate enzymes.

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11y ago

when water is observed and enzymes are activated then enzymes break the seed dormancy

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Seed dormancy can be defined as a period for the mature seed not allowing germination in the seed germinator (or under conditions of germination)

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