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Electrical into magnetic, and then magnetic into mechanical.

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Q: What energy convertions happen in an electric motor?
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What is the function of an electric motor in terms of electric power and motor?

The electric motor changes electric energy into mechanical energy.

Which conversion does an electric motor make?

electric energy to mechanical energy

What changes electric energy into motion?

An electric motor

What is the output of an electric motor?

An electric motor converts electrical energy to kinetic energy.

What electric motor?

A electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

What is output of an electric motor?

An electric motor converts electrical energy to kinetic energy.

What is a machine that turns mechanical energy into electrical energy?

Electric motor.

The electric motor converts electrical energy to?

An electric motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.

What is an apparatus that converts electric energy into kinetic energy?

An electric motor does that.

A device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy is?

it is an electric motor

Why it is that mechanical energy is the output of an electric motor?

Because that is the purpose on an electric motor.

What is A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy is?

That's called an electric motor.