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Animals acquire energy because they have to move from one place to another in search of food .As in plants they are stationary and they don't have to move from one place to another.

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Chauncey Kihn

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2y ago
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14y ago

Now that's the master of all questions!

But to keep it simple they convert it all into ATP a chemical that can be carried around and broken down to release energy, this energy the majority of the time is used in muscles. The general muscle (biceps etc.) work by using ATP to keep it simple contract by many, many, many sections called myofibrals all contracting a little bit. But basicly everything you do uses energy:

thinking, moving, growing, keeping warm, reproducing, looking listening!

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i need help please
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Loan Duong

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13y ago

Yes. All organisms require energy to survive.

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12y ago

they have a lots of energy aniway if you have a lazy dog then thats a different story

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Q: What energy does a running dog have?
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Why do dogs need energy?

just like we need energy dog's also need energy to survive for example like when dog's go running

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The small cat running down the street would have more kinetic energy because it is in motion, whereas the large dog sitting on the sidewalk is stationary and has no kinetic energy.

What has more kinetic energy a large dog sitting on a sidewalk or a small cat running down the street?

A small cat running down the street has more kinetic energy than a large dog sitting on a sidewalk. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to an object's mass and speed, and since the cat is in motion, its kinetic energy is greater even though it is smaller in size compared to the dog.

What can be done with an overly lively dog?

With those crazy dogs you have to let them have a big running place.... Dont keep them in a very inclosed space all the time.... If you dont have a large area for the dog to run take then to a dog park or on a run with you..........

Is a golden retreiver a good dog to take running?

Yes, a golden retriever would be a good jogging partner, they have a lot of energy.

Your dog suddenly running frantically around the house breathing heaviely afterwards Why?

dogs often do this to expell held up energy. it is basically a form of play. And the heavy breathing is obviously from the running.

When was The Colour of a Dog Running Away created?

The Colour of a Dog Running Away was created in 2005.

Can a Dog fell over while running?

A dog can fall over while running. This is a sign of exhaustion. It is something that you should have checked out by taking the dog to the vet.

Does energy effect your running?

Well you need enough energy to run and running gives you energy and good health

How do you stop your small dog from running away from larger dogs that rush towards them?

if large dogs seem to be threatening your small dog, it isnt your dog's fault for running away. if you see a larger dog running towards your dog, just pick him/her up... theres not really much else to do if your not the large dog's owner

Do you have to take your dog to the vet if his nose is running?

no, the dog probably has a cold