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The enthalpy of vaporization for water is 40,65 kJ/mol.

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Q: What energy is required for water to evaporate from a puddle?
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How long does it take for a puddle of water to evaporate?

That depends on how large the puddle is - how wide and how deep and how much water is in the puddle.

What will happen if a puddle of water is left at room water?

It will evaporate

Why do puddle dry up?

Water tends to evaporate.

What causes puddles to evaporate?

Heat energy from the sun and the ground cause puddles to evaporate. The heat energy breaks the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules and when the water molecules are heated to a high enough temperature, they will leave the puddle, forming water vapor.

If it was a warm day the liquid water in a puddle will and turn into a gas?

Evaporate is the missing word.

Which will evaporate faster a glass of water or a puddle of water?

a puddle of water will evaporate faster because it has a larger surface area that is, it has more of its moleccules in contact with the air Yes, the more air the same amount of water can cover, the faster it will evaporate. In a glass, there is much water that gets tiny amounts of air under the surface and not enough to evaporate. If the same amount of water was poured on a level flat surface (no puddle), it would evaporate very quickly.

Why does water evaporate faster when you jump in a puddle?

A higher area of water is exposed to atmosphere.

How much energy is required to evaporate 21.6 tons of water?

The needed energy at 100 oC is 48751 MJ.

What happens to a puddle of water on a hot day?

if it is in the sunlight, it will gradually evaporate and disappear

When energy from the Sun heats up the a puddle of water the water in the puddle into the air.?


What type of energy causes a rain puddle to disappear on a sunny day?

It increases its temperature and causes the water particles to move faster and faster until they evaporate (become a gas)

How wind affects the rate of transpiration?

Think of a puddle of water evaporating on the ground. Will that puddle evaporate more quickly with wind or without wind? The water molecules will only evaporate when they gain enough kinetic energy to break free and become vapor. Wind facilitates this by giving the molecules that extra push of energy. The same applies to plants and transpiration. Wind will increase the rate of transpiration and water-loss through the leaves of a plant. However, initial water-loss triggers the closing action of the stomata (openings by which water evaporates) and transpiration rate will slow.