

What environments can basil grow?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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Q: What environments can basil grow?
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Basil takes about 1-2 months to grow.

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Depending on the variety basil can grow as high as 24". Some dwarf varieties only grow to a few inches in height. It's important to keep the blooms picked to prevent the plant from being stunted.

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There are many different herbs that grow naturally in the Amazon. The most common and well known is a herb called Basil. Basil is used in everyday cooking around the world.

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Is there Basil plant in the Philippines?

Basil plants do grow in the Philippines. Sweet basil is commonly found within the country and is often referred to as "Balanoi". Basil in the Philippines is not only used to compliment food, but also utilized for remedies for various ailments.